Sunday, October 17, 2010

Navrathri 2010 celebrations at our Society , Spring Leaf, Kandivli E

Festive atmosphere @ our Spring Leaf Society . Enthusiastic participants , beautifully dressed up , cheefully playing the Dandiya !

This is a video taken @ Whispering Palms, our neighbouring Society. Goddess Durgamata being the main deity, nice decorated and aesthetically constructed entrance !

Navrathri 2010 at home

Rashtriya Swayam Sevak - Sanchalan - 17.10.10- Kandivli East

RSS performed a Padhasanchalan at Lokhandwala township area, Kandivli East on 17th October 10. Around 100 swayamsevaks gathered and did a march. Its the discipline amongst the entire group which continues to amaze me !

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ganesh Charturthi -2010- Thakur Village-Kandivli East

Ganesh Chaturthi - 2010-Mumbai

Another joyful year for Mumbaikars . Ganeshji was everywhere . Took some photos of the mandals I could see while passing by. The 2 videos are of the one and only Lalbaugcha Raja !